Friday, November 28, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Anyone who can save me out?! o.O
Anyone who can save me out?
Haiyo~~I really too free la...... Besides eat, sleep, online and watch tv program, I don't know what else I can do at home!I rather go study or working than at home! It's really too free la, and I dislike it!
Now I'm starting to miss my college's life, miss all my lecturers, dear coursemates and my HOMEWORKS too!! Busy for something at least better than nothing to do at home, right?
Anyway, I don't want to stay at home without anything to do!!! I must do something!! Argh~~~~~~ so stupid!!!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
自从考完试后,也暂时一切都告一段落。从之前每天都烦考试,烦这样、 烦那样的人,突然变得得空起来,真得很无聊啊......(尤其是我现在是生是死都不知道的人...唉...怎么办啊?)


First "DaTinG" after the exam...XP
Well, today... sorry, not today anymore, it's yesterday, because the clock has been passed over the 12.00am...XP
Well, yea, it's yesterday, I have a "first dating" with my "long-lost friend", Phui Yen, because we already have a long time didn't meet for each other (but we still in contact with SMS sometimes..XP). Yea, we went to Midvalley for a movie actually, but we're not going together because she got classes until 12pm. So, I went to take train alone at around 11.45am and arrived there at around 12.35pm.
Since I arrived there earlier than her, therefore I went to around cinema selling ticket counter there and planning which movie we're going to watch ( coz both of our mom also hope that we can go back early..T.T) and then discuss with her through sms. At last she reached there at around 1.05pm when I'm queueing up in the line for waiting to buy for ticket. Through our last decisions, the movie that we watch is "MADAGASCAR ESCAPE 2" which at shift 2.30pm.
While we're waiting for time to get into the cinema, we went to Mc Donald and have our lunch. When we finished our lunch, it's the time for us to get into the cinema. Yea, the "MADAGASCAR" not bad though, it's story is quite funny and nice to have a look. =) ( In fact is quite worth for watch this movie...XD)
After the movie end, it's around 4pm. Seen we still have time, then we went for have a walk around there. ( Hey, finally I knew where is "THE GARDEN" stated in!) Actually I want to searching for a new watch around there, but the prices was so expensive, and I have unable to buy it...T.T At last, I didn't buy anything at all and we went to take train and go back at around 5pm.
Yea, I quite enjoy this "dating" with PY, because I have not to went there and met her for a period of time. Hope that she may enjoy it too~
P/s ---> Another thing is quite funny for this dating is, that is our first time to buy for ticket at the cinema selling ticket counter, we choose the sit through computer until we searching for our sits inside the cinema. That is because of normally when we went out with our own friends to cinema, our friends will did it all for us and we just followed only! XP
Pp/s -----> In conclusion, I'm quite proud of all our " first time" of the enjoyrable dating yesterday! Hahaha! XP
Well, yea, it's yesterday, I have a "first dating" with my "long-lost friend", Phui Yen, because we already have a long time didn't meet for each other (but we still in contact with SMS sometimes..XP). Yea, we went to Midvalley for a movie actually, but we're not going together because she got classes until 12pm. So, I went to take train alone at around 11.45am and arrived there at around 12.35pm.
Since I arrived there earlier than her, therefore I went to around cinema selling ticket counter there and planning which movie we're going to watch ( coz both of our mom also hope that we can go back early..T.T) and then discuss with her through sms. At last she reached there at around 1.05pm when I'm queueing up in the line for waiting to buy for ticket. Through our last decisions, the movie that we watch is "MADAGASCAR ESCAPE 2" which at shift 2.30pm.
While we're waiting for time to get into the cinema, we went to Mc Donald and have our lunch. When we finished our lunch, it's the time for us to get into the cinema. Yea, the "MADAGASCAR" not bad though, it's story is quite funny and nice to have a look. =) ( In fact is quite worth for watch this movie...XD)
After the movie end, it's around 4pm. Seen we still have time, then we went for have a walk around there. ( Hey, finally I knew where is "THE GARDEN" stated in!) Actually I want to searching for a new watch around there, but the prices was so expensive, and I have unable to buy it...T.T At last, I didn't buy anything at all and we went to take train and go back at around 5pm.
Yea, I quite enjoy this "dating" with PY, because I have not to went there and met her for a period of time. Hope that she may enjoy it too~
P/s ---> Another thing is quite funny for this dating is, that is our first time to buy for ticket at the cinema selling ticket counter, we choose the sit through computer until we searching for our sits inside the cinema. That is because of normally when we went out with our own friends to cinema, our friends will did it all for us and we just followed only! XP
Pp/s -----> In conclusion, I'm quite proud of all our " first time" of the enjoyrable dating yesterday! Hahaha! XP
Thursday, November 20, 2008
一个月的考试总算结束了,但不算是很圆满吧...因为总觉得自己这次做得很不好,惨了,我真的很担心我的成绩啊!!(虽然大概一月成绩才会出炉,但由于有了上次的经历,使得我真的无法镇定下来,是真的很怕, 很害怕一切的历史都会重演..)
今天虽然是最后一天考试,也代表我们已完成了这个课程,日后就不能时常见面了,所以我今天都不是很开心,因为很不舍得。今天意想不到的是,我们这四个时常在一起的朋友,平时回家都很少一起搭车回的,通常都各有各回,但今天竟然会一起搭车回家,觉得蛮意外的。(突然想起以前我们四个都一起走去轻快铁站候车的时候,虽然我们都不在同一个站下车,但就在同一个站上车。所以令到我很怀念下… )
再回来今天这个考试吧,今天的考试也很难啊...为什么在这一个月的考试里,都没有一个例如“我很有信心考好这一张”之类的好消息从我口中传出来?每一次考完出来都是些不好的消息 ,为什么会这样啊?!我真的很怕,很担心啊…我该怎么办才好啊?我真得很对不起我父母还有教过我的讲师啊!!
今天虽然是最后一天考试,也代表我们已完成了这个课程,日后就不能时常见面了,所以我今天都不是很开心,因为很不舍得。今天意想不到的是,我们这四个时常在一起的朋友,平时回家都很少一起搭车回的,通常都各有各回,但今天竟然会一起搭车回家,觉得蛮意外的。(突然想起以前我们四个都一起走去轻快铁站候车的时候,虽然我们都不在同一个站下车,但就在同一个站上车。所以令到我很怀念下… )
再回来今天这个考试吧,今天的考试也很难啊...为什么在这一个月的考试里,都没有一个例如“我很有信心考好这一张”之类的好消息从我口中传出来?每一次考完出来都是些不好的消息 ,为什么会这样啊?!我真的很怕,很担心啊…我该怎么办才好啊?我真得很对不起我父母还有教过我的讲师啊!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
So Stupid!
Wah~~ today the Chemistry paper 4 is damn hard! Why so hard?! If I still able to think some "rubbish", I think it should better ( at least better than blank it there, right? =.=!!!). But the worst thing is I can't able to think and put something inside, even some rubbish. T_T
Arghh~~~ why I so stupid? WHY?! WHO CAN TELL ME WHY?! I know I'm bad, but got something I must said it out. IF I said it out don't blame me that I'm selfish oh..( although I know I am..=.=)
That is -----> I hope that there is no one able to do it! Especially for those taking the same papers as me! ( I think there is not only me the one will think so, but all of the student hope so..XP)
P/s ---> If the marking scheme for the marks can be lowered down then it will be better for me too!
Arghh~~~ why I so stupid? WHY?! WHO CAN TELL ME WHY?! I know I'm bad, but got something I must said it out. IF I said it out don't blame me that I'm selfish oh..( although I know I am..=.=)
That is -----> I hope that there is no one able to do it! Especially for those taking the same papers as me! ( I think there is not only me the one will think so, but all of the student hope so..XP)
P/s ---> If the marking scheme for the marks can be lowered down then it will be better for me too!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Just talking Nonsense..XP
Since I've sat for the exam for almost one month, and the exam also going to over soon. But it's still very scary and terrible for me. I scare to sat down and look for the exam papers, although I'm nervous but still haven't until blur and don't know what to do. But don't know why I always think that I'm still haven't fully prepared yet.
Besides that, I'm also scare that the day which the results are released. Wow, I totally can't and don't dare to imagine it!
Suddenly feel that I'm the miss the day when I having classes with my friends and lecturers! I really miss them! >.<> I think I have some mental problem since I have sat for the exam for whole month or maybe feel too stresses too. Because don't know why I suddenly feel that I want to re-sit for the SPM since my cousin came to my house last few days and she seen like so hardworking to prepare for the SPM exam! ( There is a big difference when I sat for the SPM last time..haven't did the full prepared plus feeling very relax during that time some more..>.<) So, the reason for me to re-take SPM is because of I want do some changes in my history before! Eh eh, maybe I can get at least 5A's I think! Hahahahaha ----- I think I've really get crazy...T.T
Pp/s --> I'm just talking nonsenses only.. Until now I only know that how stupid am I...T.T
Besides that, I'm also scare that the day which the results are released. Wow, I totally can't and don't dare to imagine it!
Suddenly feel that I'm the miss the day when I having classes with my friends and lecturers! I really miss them! >.<> I think I have some mental problem since I have sat for the exam for whole month or maybe feel too stresses too. Because don't know why I suddenly feel that I want to re-sit for the SPM since my cousin came to my house last few days and she seen like so hardworking to prepare for the SPM exam! ( There is a big difference when I sat for the SPM last time..haven't did the full prepared plus feeling very relax during that time some more..>.<) So, the reason for me to re-take SPM is because of I want do some changes in my history before! Eh eh, maybe I can get at least 5A's I think! Hahahahaha ----- I think I've really get crazy...T.T
Pp/s --> I'm just talking nonsenses only.. Until now I only know that how stupid am I...T.T
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Yesterday and today
Yesterday was the exam for Chemistry paper 2 and 5. Hmmm~ actually it's quite ok for paper 2 due to I've did some preparations for it ( but in fact is still very scare and worry especially when I heard that my answers were not same as my friends...=.=+)
For paper 5 I suddenly get speechless. Why I said so? That is because it's damn difficult and some more I didn't finished it at all! Yea, paper 5 is actually like to asking us do the planning of the experiments, although it has given 1 and 15 minutes for 2 questions, but I still unable to finished it because of I've wasted a lots of time in thinking what is the questions asking about! =.=!
Since the exam for yesterday over at around 4.45pm, therefore when I reached at home I totally feel sleepy and don't have any mood to continue revisions for following paper at all. But at last I still forcing myself to do some quick revision for the Biology paper 1 (luckily it's just a multiple choices), until around 12.30am, that time I really can't controlled myself and then finally went to the bed.XP Then today I wake up at 7.00am for went to my friend house's for bio tuition ( the tuition start at 9.30am) . Actually I still quite sleepy at that time, so when I waiting for ktm at around 7.30am and even fit into the train, although inside it was very pack but I still very sleepy. =.=!!
However, I actually is quite tired for today even at tuition and during exam. Then I also feel no mood for this whole day, I think it might be cause by lacks of sleeping time. XP But luckily I'm not so blur and still able to think when I'm doing those questions.:)
Hmmm~ for Bio paper 1 actually is quite ok too since I've did some quick revision on last night ( I thought that I'll not able to remember it.. T.T) and also Ms How has discussed with us some past years questions during the tuition before the exam.XP
My next paper will be at next week, so hope that I still have enough time to prepare for it! =)
But the first thing I need to do is gain enough the sleeping time for today, Good Nite.^^
For paper 5 I suddenly get speechless. Why I said so? That is because it's damn difficult and some more I didn't finished it at all! Yea, paper 5 is actually like to asking us do the planning of the experiments, although it has given 1 and 15 minutes for 2 questions, but I still unable to finished it because of I've wasted a lots of time in thinking what is the questions asking about! =.=!
Since the exam for yesterday over at around 4.45pm, therefore when I reached at home I totally feel sleepy and don't have any mood to continue revisions for following paper at all. But at last I still forcing myself to do some quick revision for the Biology paper 1 (luckily it's just a multiple choices), until around 12.30am, that time I really can't controlled myself and then finally went to the bed.XP Then today I wake up at 7.00am for went to my friend house's for bio tuition ( the tuition start at 9.30am) . Actually I still quite sleepy at that time, so when I waiting for ktm at around 7.30am and even fit into the train, although inside it was very pack but I still very sleepy. =.=!!
However, I actually is quite tired for today even at tuition and during exam. Then I also feel no mood for this whole day, I think it might be cause by lacks of sleeping time. XP But luckily I'm not so blur and still able to think when I'm doing those questions.:)
Hmmm~ for Bio paper 1 actually is quite ok too since I've did some quick revision on last night ( I thought that I'll not able to remember it.. T.T) and also Ms How has discussed with us some past years questions during the tuition before the exam.XP
My next paper will be at next week, so hope that I still have enough time to prepare for it! =)
But the first thing I need to do is gain enough the sleeping time for today, Good Nite.^^
Monday, November 3, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
What Should I do now?!
Since the few papers that I've take in last few days, I really feel no more mood and confidents for following papers. That's because of those papers are damn difficult than last time..T.T
Mathematics subject has gone, all papers 1, 3, 4, and 6, I can said that there's no one papers that I have did well in math. T.T And the Chem. prac and Bio. prac papers, I really almost want to die, because I don't even have enough time to finished it and some more differentiate wrong the specimen diagram that has given in Bio.prac papers too! ( So as a reminder, better don't believe 100% in the tips given! =.=!!! ) ! As most of my friends and lecturers said that practical papers are not so important, coz it's marks for overall of whole subject are not much, so better do well in others papers to gain more marks to balance the marks that we have lost in practical papers...T.T ( As I know that even the practical also can't able to do well, then how I get the confident for following papers leh... and some more those question papers are so difficult and harder than last time, so the probabilities of my confident for the following papers is almost NEGATIVE! =.=lll )
Since it's my last chance, so I'm very worry about that.. worry about my result sucks and make me can't able to continue with degree course later.. Some more, if I really can't do well in the exam, am I really have to stop from studying? Or just simply take some degree courses that I'm not so interest in? Or just give up and tell myself that " not your fault, it's because of you're not suitable in A-level course only.. maybe you still can do well in other course.."? Or I really have to resit for one more semester again?
I really don't know what I'm talking about and even thinking! I'm so confusing now! I don't want just listen those excuses such as I'm not suit in this course or just give up like that! I can't able to believe that I can't do that since I've take the course for almost 1 and half years! How?! What should I do now?!
Mathematics subject has gone, all papers 1, 3, 4, and 6, I can said that there's no one papers that I have did well in math. T.T And the Chem. prac and Bio. prac papers, I really almost want to die, because I don't even have enough time to finished it and some more differentiate wrong the specimen diagram that has given in Bio.prac papers too! ( So as a reminder, better don't believe 100% in the tips given! =.=!!! ) ! As most of my friends and lecturers said that practical papers are not so important, coz it's marks for overall of whole subject are not much, so better do well in others papers to gain more marks to balance the marks that we have lost in practical papers...T.T ( As I know that even the practical also can't able to do well, then how I get the confident for following papers leh... and some more those question papers are so difficult and harder than last time, so the probabilities of my confident for the following papers is almost NEGATIVE! =.=lll )
Since it's my last chance, so I'm very worry about that.. worry about my result sucks and make me can't able to continue with degree course later.. Some more, if I really can't do well in the exam, am I really have to stop from studying? Or just simply take some degree courses that I'm not so interest in? Or just give up and tell myself that " not your fault, it's because of you're not suitable in A-level course only.. maybe you still can do well in other course.."? Or I really have to resit for one more semester again?
I really don't know what I'm talking about and even thinking! I'm so confusing now! I don't want just listen those excuses such as I'm not suit in this course or just give up like that! I can't able to believe that I can't do that since I've take the course for almost 1 and half years! How?! What should I do now?!
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