For unhappy thing is ...... I'm not going to talk much here, it's due to someone personal problem. What I dislike is she never discuss with us for what she going to do, and it's suddenly happened on the last week of our posting at P.D. Why it can be happened suddenly? And yea we also hope to know why. Alright, I'm not going to restrict for what she want to, but then hello, for some of the things that we need to share together, you at least need to talk or discuss with us before do or on it, can?! IT'S NOT YOUR OWN HOUSE but we SHARE! Finally we able to see the true face of this person, and this is still not a thing to be happy. But we really can't stand it then only ignore this person. Ishhh~~
Alright alright, I don't want to continue with this person topic anymore. I want to share something here

Yea! It's our dinner! =D
Steamboat? Yea, sure! Soup and tomyam!

The last dinner for our posting at P.D~ and we ate til gonna to vomit~ coz it's too FULL!!! =.=lll
Yea! It's our dinner! =D
Steamboat? Yea, sure! Soup and tomyam!
The last dinner for our posting at P.D~ and we ate til gonna to vomit~ coz it's too FULL!!! =.=lll
Here all our lunch and dinner pictures when we staying and cook it at home~ (mostly were dinner~) It looks simple but nice! =D
Yea of course, we went out and looking for seafood at restaurant too! It's damn nice and it was my first time to ate so many times crabs within 3 weeks! It's 3 times!!! Woohoo~ ( before that I seldom to eat crab at home~ because it's expensive~ T_T) so those pictures will try to upload later if I'm free k?
See yea! =D