Monday, August 31, 2009
当我们从幕后走回出来后,发现到灵堂内旁设有一个大荧幕,播放着的都是他生前所拍下的照片,而我却没有坐在那里的椅子上观看就被我其中一位朋友拉了出来。我被带到他们所坐的沙发上陪他们一起聊天。另外我看到那位朋友的父母亲,却忙着招呼着到场的亲朋戚友,也娓娓道出我这位朋友这个月来所发生的事情,包括发过高烧进出过医院复原后、过没多久又再度紧急进院被发现肝里被四十五种细菌侵袭等到终不敌死神召唤而去世为止......在他整个抗病过程中都一句不漏的道出。而且还是在不同的亲友、老师的询问下不停的重复。对此我发现到不止我那位朋友很坚强外,连他的家人也很坚强。尤其是当听到:“在医生的急救失败后,我这个当妈妈的都还没哭反之医生和护士却都忍不住掉眼泪......”和那一句在他临终前,他妈妈对他说:“你放心去吧,妈妈会好好活下去的,也会好好照顾爸爸和妹妹的,你不用担心......" 语毕,我那朋友的眼角就留下一滴眼泪就去了……他的妈妈这份坚强真得令我佩服到五体投地!我知道作为妈妈的在这时候一定心痛到极点,但却不愿在孩子面前表露出来,就是怕孩子走的不安心!我这个只是身为朋友的当听到这些话都很想哭,不,一当我步入灵堂看到他的遗照那一刻就已很想哭!但幸好我还忍得住…….更何况那个亲自带他到这世上来而又亲自目送他离开这世上的妈妈!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
永别了......我的朋友 - Slyvester
看到他从此不会再更新的部落格、从此不会再进入的facebook 和friendster、还有一个就是自他加了我以后而我却从没跟他聊过天的msn账号,我再也看不到他用他的账号来上线了......很后悔,很后悔从来没以朋友身份关心过他、也很后悔每当看到他在线时却从没主动找他聊过天、也很后悔从来没在他的facebook 和friendster 留过言......为什么会突然间有那么多为什么出现在我身上?
既然一切都已发生,我们也唯有接受。我们从没想过会有一天出席朋友的丧礼......而我们唯一能为他做的就是明天一起去出席他的丧礼、为他献上最后的祝福以及看他最后一面......只能说日后要珍惜眼前人,吾等失去后才后悔。Sly大佬,一路走好,我们会好好过,不会忘记你的。谢谢你曾经给我们留下的回忆......永别了...... 如果可以,我情愿不要与你有说永别的一天......
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
New selling record!
况且,这次我还特地把巧克力样品切的大块些,而那些软糖就一粒粒放在装食物的盒里。我可是有分归类的,如果是大人的话,我通常会请他们试吃我们的巧克力,不买不用紧,最重要是使他们觉得我们的巧克力好吃(再极力推荐,我发觉到通常这样效果不错)如果是小孩子的话,我通常会请他们吃一粒软糖(因为通常他们只要有糖果吃就很开心了......=_____=)。哈哈哈!厉害吧?由于这次比较有心思的关系吧,在星期六我竟然卖出八包哦!而星期日也不错,总共卖出了十包,因为我表姐有来监督我推销得如何,当我向顾客推销时,她还顺便替我拍张照,说是给老板的一个交待。虽然是说卖出了十包,其实我是卖出了七包,其余三包是她在时帮忙推销的。我真得很佩服她,即使是那些假装赶时间的顾客,她也有本事把他们拉来试吃,顺便让他们买一、两包。就是因为这样,她就顺便说了几句风凉话,说什么她只是来一下也有本事卖出三包,还叫我向学她几招之类的话(是啦,是啦,知道你厉害啦。=.=!!!)。我当场无言咯,因为是她赢了嘛!=.=!!! 就是因为被她激怒了,我就拼命向顾客推销,总算卖出七包了,呵呵呵!总算还替我自己挽回面子,很有满足感~~
Friday, June 12, 2009
除此之外,她还问我在15/6/09 - 1/7/09期间要不要到 Midvalley去帮他们推销另一样产品,一天也是 RM 70 + comission。但谢了,我已经在外找到另一份工了,虽然工钱没你们给得那么高,但我却做得心安理得。谢谢你们的好意,我“心领”了。我自认我赚不起这种快钱,我自认是我自己白痴,有一大叠钞票放在我面前却不去争取,反而宁愿出去挨。谢了,下次如再有这种快钱等我赚,我会请我朋友替我介绍,不敢再劳烦你们操心了。
P/s --->所以在此奉劝各位,千万不要替亲戚打工,否则新闻可就多了。还是自己自食其力,到外面去闯闯,试着靠自己的实力去找工吧~~
另外,我已经找到另一份当书记的工了,这可是我另一个新的经验噢。很期待当一个上班族的滋味~~ 我并不打算辞掉诊所这份工,因为我想在公司放工后就赶去诊所帮忙,一来可以赚多一份工资,二来可以学多点知识嘛...我知道我很贪心啦,但最重要是我自己做得开心,不是吗?
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
我的“大日子” XD
而我表妹就送了我一份礼物,是一个钱包。其实她也是早一个星期就拿来放在我房间的电脑桌上了,但我却以为是她忘了带走,(因为她没用礼物纸包着嘛!)哪知昨天她传简讯来祝我生日快乐时,竟然告诉我那是我的礼物!哈哈哈!我已经约了她下次见面时补送她的生日礼物,因为她是比我早两个星期生日的,礼物我是买到了,但还没交给她。上个星期她放礼物给我时,刚好我在睡觉,所以还没亲自交给她。>.< 总之,谢谢你的礼物哦! 最后,谢谢你们还记得我的生日,还有你们特地传来的祝我生日快乐信息哦!你们也要加油哦!爱死你们了! XD
最近由于我时常帮忙我妈载送我妹和表弟们去上课(当然她也坐在我旁边),我妈称赞我的驾驶技术进步了哦!哈哈哈哈哈!高兴死了!下次我想很快就可以自己把车给驾出来了! =D
P/s ---> 想不到我已经到了这个年龄......有点接受不到这个事实......(哈,好像有点白痴)啊啊啊啊啊~我又老了一岁了~~~救命啊~~~算了,年纪大应该也可以活到很好的!加油! XD
Friday, May 22, 2009
Sushi King.
Okay lo seen she so good, then I replied her that " Really meh? Feel like paiseh if want you to treat me... When you free then? Lets come out for gathering la~" After the dicussing, she said "friday (meant today) at around 12pm, you go to my house and we go to Jusco Metro Prima. We have our lunch at Sushi King there."
Hahaha! Sushies again! Okay lo, since she suggested there. Around 12pm I walked to her house, and her aunt fetch us to Jusco. Then we went to Sushi King there for our lunch. Actually before that, I already took my breakfast at home ( homemade mee goreng). Yea, it's my mom cooked.
Well, I had ordered the latest promote set lunches with curry and it costed RM 14.90. This set lunch included 2 sticks of fried chicken with baked cheese (which the fried chicken is made look like satay but it was fried), rice and 1 small bowl of curry. For ML one, she ordered set lunches too, but hers one more ingredients than me, got chawanmushi, miso soup, Chicken chop with vegetables, rice and 1 bottle of yakult. It costed RM 18.90. Arghh~~~ I love that! Yummy~~
After these, we damn fulled okay. And that ML still took 1 more plate of sushi and asked me to share with her. =.=!!! I'm stared on her and you know what reason she gave? She said that plate of sushies look cute and nice. *speechless* When we get the bills, it's total RM 40++. (Only for both of us)After that we went for a walk around Jusco and Popular then her aunt fetch us back at around 2.30pm. Anyway, thanks ya Mun Ling for your lunch and remember my birthday too! Next time when your birthday I will treat you eat more tasty and delicious foods!
P/s ---> Okay, after this lunches, I'm already damn fulled and unable to put in any foods into my stomach anymore. So, even I didn't take my dinner for today and I didn't feel hungry too! =.=!!!
Pp/s ---> Sorry for I didn't captured any pictures for uploaded to this post. Damn tried now, because I'm busy on helping my mom after arrived home. Good Nite~
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
A new Record!
Actually, around 4pm my mom asked me to sent my sister out for tuition and she will follows too. Who knows my aunt who is working at Ireland called her by using house phone. Seen my sister was going to be late and she can't stop the conversation with my aunt. Thus she asked me to drive on my own and sent sister to go for tuition! Wahahaha! That was my first time! I'm so happy because finally my mom allowed me to drove the car out on my own! Although it's near (at metro prima which is near jusco) but at least it was a starting for me, right?
I'm going to be more hardworking on pratice and next time I hope to drive to my working place on my own! XD
Monday, May 18, 2009
我也忍不住跟着笑( 但不敢笑得太大声 )
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Bowling + Neway K Box
Actually this was my first time to her house. Although I did ask her many times how to go there before but at last I didn't go there due to I don't have transport too. Then, at thursday night I just simply droped down the guide from her for how to go to her house. Okay, lets go back to main point, while I'm getting in mom's car then I sms her that I'm coming now and then straight went to my cousin's house to pick up him.
In fact on the way to her house is quite okay, but who knows I showed the different direction at the first junction to my mom and thus all the guides that she gave I get blured already! I'm already don't know where we are and then I called her. Luckily after few calls, we finally get reached to her house safely. Hahaha! Then we take bus for went to 1 Utama.
When we arrived there, she bought a bread at "Bread Story" and then she suggested want to go to the Pet shop. While we 're looking for those puppies, suddenly a sales asisstant asked whether want hug the puppies or not. And yen the one most happy, she said she wan hug Shih Tzu. And then what we did was keep asking the sales asisstant how to fed the Shih Tzu. There 2 Shih Tzu in a small room, one male and another female. While we 're take the male Shih Tzu to another side, the female keep barking feel like she don't want be alone. After the Sales asisstant put it back to the room then he take the female out. Of course we keep hugging it and she feel comfortable till want to sleep. Then, I asked the S.A whether can take the Golden Retriever out to let me hug it. Eh, the golden retriever seem like very happy and keep licking my hand! And it's fur like the bear toys that soft~~ Then, we feel like not good to stay at the Pet shop for long time because we didn't buy anything there. So, we quickly move to another place after hug those pupies~ Feel bad right? Hahaha..XD
Then we went to U-Bowl there where it stated at the 4th floor. It's RM 2.50 per game at around 12pm to 2pm, therefore we play 3 games for each person. At first don't know why how comes the bowling that I threw is keep go into the "longkang". And when I thought that I can be the winner at last games, who knows I get less than 1 mark than yen. So, I'm the "continuous loser" in these 3 games. >.< "Wong Kok Char Chan Teng". And that are the foods and drinks we had ordered as below.
Well, after lunch we went to Neway K-Box for sing K. It's quite weird for 2 peoples sing K okay, so I thought that yen is kidding with me when I heard that she want to sing K with me. And I would like to tell you here what we have faced at Neway. Yup, when we making the register at counter, the waitress told us that the fees for us is RM20++ for each person where the foods and drinks are not included. And we may sing from 3pm to 7pm. Then our room is No.28, the room was so "BIG" and our waiter was a guy who names Tom. And we wondering whether he cames from China because both of us can't understand what he's talking about.
What he said is different with the waitress at counter just now. At first, he gave us the menu and ask for our order. He said he'll take our order after that. Since both of us thought that we don't want to waste money to make ordered anymore and therefore we said no need when he came in again. And he did bring along the small bowl of chips (we thought it was free). Then we start singing. After few more mins, he came in again and said wanna to take our ordered. Although the light at the room was dark but I can said that he is the same guy. We said don't wan again, but he said there is 2 free drinks for each person in RM 20++. We really get confused in what he had said! And then I ordered 2 watermelon juices for avoid him to keep disturbing us. We really be mad while he keep talking what "RM20 jia jia= ++ "...=.=!!! After that, when he passes through our room, he sure will look in our room. I think he still want to said what "RM20++". So both of us keep laughing when he passes through. Really "gik sei", all our sing k mood disappear jo lo... =.=!!!
Then we sing k until 5pm then we have to go back lo...coz my mom not allowed me late to go back because she need to pick out my cousins from school after 6pm. When we get the bill, it cost us around RM50++! And the chips we didn't ordered it also need to paid RM9! =.=!!! And then we only get to know what the stupid said " we get 2 drinks free for EACH of us in RM20++ per person". We almost crazy and didn't care what "plus plus" anymore because we rush to take bus which came at 5.30pm. Luckily we get into the bus and we arrived our home safely finally.
I really feel happy because I had never did so many things in one day with friend. And I had never assumed that we 2 "soh po" went to sing K together and lots of things will happened on us during K-box. Hahaha! Anyway, I'm enjoy this date and hope to have it again! XD
That's all for today uploaded~
Sunday, May 10, 2009
由于没时间准备关系,再加上我有一个朋友在那上班的关系,我就只好直接选“京都”(King's confectionery)。我之所以写“只好”这两个字,是因为我开始不是很喜欢那里的蛋糕了,因为第一,不好吃、第二,总感觉蛋糕上那些水果装饰不是很新鲜。
P/s ---> 虽然是很简单的一餐,但只要我们一家人可以时常一起庆祝就心满意足矣!^^ 在此祝天下各位妈妈们,还有我妈妈,母亲节快乐哦!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Friday, May 1, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Bowling + Sakae Sushi~~ XD
Friday, April 10, 2009
一首歌 - 叶子
阿桑 - 叶子
作词:陈晓娟 作曲:陈晓娟
叶子 是不会飞翔的翅膀
翅膀 是落在天上的叶子
天堂 原来应该不是妄想
只是我早已经遗忘 当初怎么开始飞翔
孤单 是一个人的狂欢
狂欢 是一群人的孤单
爱情 原来的开始是陪伴
但我也渐渐地遗忘 当时是怎样有人陪伴
**我一个人吃饭 旅行 到处走走停停
也一个人看书 写信 自己对话谈心
只是心又飘到了哪里 就连自己看也看不清 我想我不仅仅是失去你
我一个人吃饭 旅行 到处走走停停
也一个人看书 写信 自己对话谈心
只是心又飘到了哪里 就连自己看也看不清 我想我不仅仅是失去你**
孤单 是一个人的狂欢
狂欢 是一群人的孤单
爱情 原来的开始是陪伴
但我也渐渐地遗忘 当时是怎样有人陪伴
Repeat chorus**
叶子 是不会飞翔的翅膀
翅膀 是落在天上的叶子
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Boring~~~ Haiz..
Well, I do not have any full-time work during this holidays although I felt very bored at home. Everyday most of the time is sat in front of the computer and just few hours to go for work at clinic. Even my cousins always ask me what I'm going to do until I almost become crazy with those questions. I've tried to find work but on the other hand I still thinking whether want go for further study or not.
Sometimes, I will felt that I'm the one who wasting money and time at home. And even felt that I'm very useless no matter on study or work. I knew that it's too late for me to getting regret because time will no turn back anymore once it has passed through.
Yea, luckily I still can get some ideas form my friends which go for work while haven't making any decisions. Heard that it is a good solutions to get your best thinking for future. Maybe you may found your favourite later through your working days. And yea, suddenly I have remembered some memories that had happen during my school days before and I 've think a lots too. Hope that I may get some advices from the passed...
Monday, March 2, 2009
Arghh~~~ Please stop it la.. I'm actually very sad and stressing with that... Why still wanna to forces me, I'm really feel like going to die.. Why my future so blur... Why we must make decisions for our future? Why so many things we have to think and care? My brain really going to burst once I've think more about of it...T_T
Somemore I will feel don't wanna to study anymore.. Stupid right? Ok ok, I will try to make it fast k? But please don't keep asking me those questions k? I promised that I'll inform you all once I've make decisions la k? Of course you are welcome if you're ready to give me some counselling or ideas la..=)
Monday, February 23, 2009
Green Box + Gathering
Why I'll said that she did make "few times calls" to green box? Because of her la hahahaha, always make changes of the times and dates, from at 1st message said that we start from Saturday at 1pm, 2nd message said that changes to SUnday at 1oam, 3rd message said that still Sunday but changes to late bit and finally the last message CONFIRMed that it will be Sunday at 1oam... Omg, I have become dizzy by her...@-@ I'm wondered that whether her name will be put into BLACK LIST by those Green box's stuffs or not...Wahahahaha...
Anyway, since she told us that we have to meet up at 9am coz one hour is needed for transfer trains or anything to arrived there. But you know what? s.yee was the 1st ppl who arrived early, and me the 2nd one. I think I arrived there around 9.05am. Those 2 guys get late you know? The reason is one of them slept over and need another one arrived his house and morning-called him then only awake. =.=lll
Well, finally we can get int the train. Since they were late, so we have to rushes there immediately. WHen we arrived KL Central and transfer to Monorail, 4 of us were ran. So stupid la you know, only 4 of us doing this "jogging" in KL area. =.=lll While on the way getting to monorail station, almost an accident getting happened on S.yee and I. Coz Adrian was the one move fatest and following by C.Wah, S.yee and I, when S.yee and I were across the road to over C.wah, the traffic light suddenly turn green where the car start to move! That time, both of us were walked to the half way where in the 2nd line and the 3rd line car starting to move! When we saw this, scare until almost stuck at there! So dangerous and scary man! Fortunately, we still may acrossed the road to opposite shops safely. Wheuuuuuuuu~
Then after that, we finally arrived there Safely. Since both of 2 guys walking's speed were faster than us, so we asked them went to the counter of green box( heard that have to tell them the name who was make the booking and informed them that we're arrived safely. XP) and we meet up there. While S.yee and I went there by using lif. Who knows that when both of us arrived the Green box's Counter there, we didn't see both of them. After that C.wah came. He told us that he finally "think clearly", therefore he use the lif to came here while Adrian still using those Escalators. Err... So clever they are. Especially for Adrian!! A big clap for him! XD
After sing k, it's already 1pm. Then we hang around there for searching a place for Yamcha. We hang from and finally to Timesquare there. Coz of them la, keep talking and complaining plus discussing that this restaurant not nice or the price so expensive or the sits all were uncomfortable..bla bla bla.. and Finally, they've planed to Old town there. (Arghh, since I'm having sick already feel very tired la as you all knew but still bring me here bring me there..>.<) Amongst of us, only C.wah ordered for a Hot drink, that's hot white coffee. So unfair lo, the surface of the coffee bubbles there got "Love shape" leh!*envy* FOr us just simply cold drink without any special decorate. ( I tell you I won't got for Old town anymore! hahaha...*kidding*) Hahaha, eh, the C.wah suddenly felt stomachache after he drank his hot white coffee. His coffee really Special as we said wor!! (Haiyer, luckily not mine one...XD ) Hahaha..XP Then we just chit-chat there for around 1 hour more I think (forget how long the time we sat over there ..hehe), then only go back.
Although I'm not so close to some of them. But this gathering still considered GOOD . Hope that we will have another gathering like this next time. *waiting*
P/s---> Since we have did jogging at KL early in the morning, so now pair of my legs were painful!!! =.=!!! Between, you may make predicted that how long I didn't go for exercise. XP
Friday, February 20, 2009
Stupid People!!!
SPECIALLY FOR THE PPL that I'm hating the most:
Ok, well, what I did now were totally learning from you. There are most of the things that you've taught me before and even now! Please don't blame me! Thanks for giving so many "free lessons" to me... Even you are blaming or hating me, I don't care I tell you!!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Bonus~ XP
Yup, maybe most of us will think that up only RM 0.50 is not so important or even don't mind about that, because it just little bit only. But now I'm only the part-timer who don't have any working experience as a nurse! SOmetimes I will feel that I'm very stupid, because I didn't and unable to help them anything. Hahaha~~ So, this RM 0.50 might be very important to me! Huhu~
Oh yea, forget to said that some more I still able to get an Angpao from doctor! It was my last year bonus! I thought that the bonus only available for full-timer! Who knows that I can get it too~~ Hahahaha~~ Not bad, not bad!!! Thanks!!! XD
But anyway, I'll try to learn and get more experiences from clinic there as to thanks the doctor for giving me so many Bonus~ XP (although sometimes he also act as "kedekut", but DON'T CARE la since he did gave me some bonus~ As we knew, this world is realistic right? XP)
P/s ---> Now it make me don't know how to quit from the clinic job since I've plan to searching for another Full- time job and also further study. Aiks, I have to re-planning again la~ *headache* =.=!!!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Result's day
Well, in fact I've get knew about my result via online on 21th Jan since I've get my friend's call and informed at the early of the morning. Guesses what result I've get? Thanks god, I get all passes in this exam but it did not satisfying. Yup, I'm very unhappy with that. And of course, I've cried and cried for many times for that at night because it did not achieved my "minimum requirement" that I've setting down before exam. Even for me, I had never predicted that I'll get such kind of result! Stupid and silly right?
I did paid a lots concerned and time in study and preparations, and is that the result I should get huh?! Why?! And who else can tell me the answer?! It was real, I didn't say lies! I did work hard! I really did! Hahaha! Is it a kidding that the god giving to me?! Is that funny?! NO, I didn't enjoyed with this kidding at all! I'm serious! I hate! I hate it and even myself too!
Okay, maybe some of them will said that I'm better than them because of I still able to get all passes for this exam, and them getting worst than me.. If like what they've said, then should I feel proud of my result?! o.O Whatever they said, I still can't forgive myself and I'll not satisfied with this result. I'll still repeat for the same things, that is I'VE PAID A LOTS for this exam! It's not fair! Not fair!
Yup, I did told my parents about it. But they didn't said anything. Maybe they knew that I've really did my best and that's why they understand. Some more they still asking me that whether I'm planning to go for re-sit again? No, I'm not going for re-sit again! It really make me crazy and became emotional. Between, I have no more confident for that anymore and even for my further study. I became blur since I don't know what to do and what else I can do at my future. But I'm sure that I'll waste lots of time at "searching" for other degree courses at other Universities for my further study. Besides, can anyone tell and teaches me what to do?
P/s --> Sorry dad and mom, I've make you all disappointed again. And also wasted your lots of money in this 1 and 1/2 years. But I'd never regret for taking this course because I did learned more in this course. I failed to do it well maybe I'm not hardworking enough. So sorry~ Between also feel sorry to my lecturers too~ T-T
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Result, resuLt, reSult
Well, what to do? That's the 1st question. The mood that I'm having now was actually full of confusing and scaring. Although I knew that I may not make any changes on it since the result has been released and be confirmed, and now just waiting for the suitable time to make an announcement. But I really can't able to controlled my brain not to thinking of it!
Yea, I knew that I'm silly. Since the exam has overed then my stupid brain always think and remember about the result at every seconds, everyday and even every night...... until I can't to sleep tight at night. T_T I wondered that the brain was playing fool with me huh? During study time, it did not "function well" plus always forget to those important notes that I've read and studied for many times. But now suprisingly it may "function well" in remembered lots of questions which all related result all the time until whole month eventhough I'm not trying to remember of it! =.=!!!
Haiz~ just now Leng has gave me a call and we've chat a while. Although just a little bit but at least better than I'm scaring of myself, right? And we plan to have a "meeting" on Thursday once we get know of our result via online tomorow~ Still the samething that I'm going to repeat again: Hope that everything will be Alright and also there are somebody like god, or buddha or whatever la, as long as they are able to give me blessing~~~ T-T I do appreciate them very much!!! T_T
Between, I'm going to have a date with S.Yee tomorrow. A "long-lost friend" too, we less to meet up because she is taking Tourism Managment course at politeknik school, but don't know where is it stated at. =p So, I have to put all the unhappy aside while I'm having date with her. (coz heard that our results will release at UK time 9.00am while here is 5pm time)
Ok, just forget it when the time meet up with my dear friend. =)
Good morning to everybody then~
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Bye bye "P" Licence XP
Yea yea, start from this second onward I'm not the "P" licence holder anymore but the REAL Driving Licence Holder! Hahaha! XP
P/s ---> Just to make a simply annoucement that I'm not the "P" licence holder anymore!!! XD
Pp/s ---> Omg, forget to tell here that this "simply" renewation had costed me around RM 70~~ =.=!!!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Wedding Invitation
How do you feel when that is your first time to get a wedding invitation from your good friends or colleagues? It's so cool right?
Well, I have just get a wedding invitation from a colleague who is working at same clinic with me. I have never been invited by anyone except went together with my parents before! It was my first time to be invited! It was so cool and unbelievable for me! XP
Yea, the date of wedding dinner has been settled at this Sunday night. Of course I will present with one of my friend, Mun Ling who is also to be invited. (The one who introduced the clinic work for me and always change the working-day shifts with me.)
Please stay tuned and I'll upload more later. XP
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Study? Money?
Yea, I wish to have work while I'm waiting for the release of result. At least can throw out all my worries away from me. Some more may earn some money. But my mom prevented me from searching work because she ask me to search for work after CNY. But the results will release before CNY, and I have to make a choices either further study or start working. Even either my result may fulfill all the entry requirements for further study at University or not, I don't know yet. My emotion almost getting distraction since I have to think a lots on these such things. How? And what to do now?
Honestly, I did not enjoy this holiday after the exam at all some more it was distracted my mind always during this whole month. Yea, I will get my result soon. But what will see later? Full of happiness? Sadness? Or disappointment? Who knows? I don't dare to predict how my result going to be because it was not same as SPM. It was totally different! T.T
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!!!^^
Honestly I have did and done a lots of things in year 2008. And even learnt a lots from it. Why do I said so? I have gone through the 1 and 1/2 years of college life, even it's short but I enjoyed it. Although I have not did and showed any good results to my parents and lecturers, but I do appreciate to them because they do gave me lots of caring and chances. Therefore, I have not be regrets for taking this course because it let me learnt and gained a lots! XP Besides that, I have get knew a lot of good coursemates from the same A-Level course, eventhough they are not hardworking enough (including me) on study, but they are interesting and lovely. (Hope that I may not be kill by them for who have viewed this post! XP) During the college life, they let me to understand that there are nothing is impossible in the life, try not to give up easily and etc. I felt that I'm so lucky because I've get knew to all of them and also finished my A-Level course at same college with them. Between, thanks to them for giving me lots of caring and teaching at the 1 and 1/2 years of college life and make it more enjoyrable and wonderful. That will be an unforgetable moment in my life!
At the coming of year 2009, what will be happen on all of us? What we will see later? There will be a lot of things are waiting for us to research and discover it out. Anyone will know about it before we're going for discovery? I think maybe the god who arrange these for us will know about it. SOmetimes, I've heard from someone said that Life is same with a Game that we're playing. Yea, we all are players and there will be a winner and a loser. But who knows? MAybe everyone can also be the winner in life, even you and me. Right?
Well, hope that everyone of you may have a new starting at year 2009. Just like what we have learned in mandarin, “新的一年,新的开始”。It means for there is a new starting at a whole new year. Do you agree?
Anyway, hope that all of you may have a great and unforgetable moment at year 2008 and enjoy your life at year 2009! :)