Saturday, January 15, 2011


I have to said bye to my coursemates due to the mistake that I did on my EOS exam and re-sit...
Because of the mistake,
=> I spent around RM500 for the re-sit fees..
=> I cried for the whole day since I unable and don't know how to accept the truth..
=> I need to said bye to my course mates, I have unable to continue with them in the journey anymore..
=> I have to re-start for beginning again.. just because of ONE subject.
=> I don't know what I should do now..
=> I don't know whether I should continue or not..
=> I need to spend more no matter money and time than others..
=> and a lots I don't know how to describe here..

Just I feel like I'm very very useless..
although my parents didn't blame on me, but still encourage me to start from beginning..
but I unable to forgive myself..

I seriously hope that I may pass..
I really did put lot of efforts on preparing the paper..
I really tried my whole best to put in all the answer that I remembered..
I really thought at least I can get pass..
But the truth told me that I'm failed...
Such a big joke on me..

When I think back and look back on the notes,
I found out I missed out lot of main points and did lot of spelling mistakes on the paper..
I feel like I'm really useless enough..

What I do now is just know to cry, stare blankly, think and doing nothing...
Although now I'm not crying anymore,
but when the school day coming near, I just can cry...
because I knew that I was unable to continue with my course mates anymore...
and this is the truth happen on me currently!
Even my colleague saw me also keep on asking me why my eyes become swelling..
Who can teach me how to answer?!

Now I have to understand,
course mate become my senior, and my future junior become my course mate..
WHat to do?!!!

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